All Star Tournament

POlicy and procedures

This guide is a live document and is constantly revised by District Staff at the end of each tournament season.  To access this document, click the photo above or click here.  If you have any questions or comments regarding this SOP, please reach out to us through the contact form through the "Contact Us" page.

State of Connecticut Little League SOP can be accessed here. 


Our District document is only in place during the District play.  Anything after District play, the State of Connecticut Tournament guidelines will be in effect.   


Baseball umpiring will be coordinated and scheduled by Nick Dillon and Mark Doody.  No games should be changed without consulting Nick Dillon as he is the one that will be scheduling umpires. Baseball games will have two umpires during regular play for All-Stars and then for the championship game we will try and get a four-man crew.  For any baseball games that are cancelled, postponed, or moved Nick Dillon needs to know via phone call or text message no later than 2 hours prior to the start of the game (Nick - 860-461-8525).  Steve Woronecki needs to be notified as well (860-212-3646).


Softball umpiring will be coordinated through each of the local leagues - the host and traveling team will be responsible for bringing one official to each game.  The host umpiring will work the plate.